Sunday, March 09, 2008

Appreciate Life as it is...

The past few months have taught be a lot of things.There is always this feeling that i am not doing enough to lead a normal life.A lot of things are crossing my mind in the last few months which have got me thinking.

Life can be cruel to you in many ways ,one has to accept the way life is.My uncle has a famous one liner which is very apt for the situation "Life goes on!! ".There are a lot of things that one has to learn from life and learn each day.

There is not one moment when you can relax and be rest assured that life is on track and dont track it.Foe eg in a recent article in a leading newspaper showed how life changed for a software engineer,so one never one what curves exist in store for us,anything can happen anytime.

A lot of people might think that this is an eccentric or a pessimistic way of looking at life,but believe me if you haven't yet experienced ,you are on your way in experiencing it .

With the hope that things would calm out before the next storm ,this is Sukhoi signing off

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