Thursday, April 24, 2008

Usha Vaidyanathan tagged me on this one ,interesting one

Last Movie You Saw In A Theater:
RACE,I loved the music

What Book Are You Reading:
I am reading Enemy at the Gates ,by William Craig

Favorite Board Game:
I dont like board games,would rather play shuttle badminton

Favourite Magazine:
Nothing specific ,i read all of them although i would prefer Readers digest and the week

Favorite Smells:
The first rain on the earth,the wonderful smell of jasmine.Aroma of delicious food :)

Favorite Sound:
Water against pebbles,Rain on earth,sound of waterfalls,the sound of aircraft taking off

Worst Feeling In The World:
Is probably when you know your decision or your action could have changed a lot for people around you ,but could not due to n different reasons

What Is The First Thing You Think Of When You Wake?
Am i still alive :) ahahahha after what went on in the dream

Favorite Fast Food Place:

Future Child's Name:
Who is Future ,i dont know about this person ;)

Finish This Statement. "If I Had A Lot Of Money I'd...”
I would travel around the world

Do You Drive Fast?
YeS,I enjoy speed

Do You Sleep With A Stuffed Animal?
No ,i dont kill animals ;)

Storms-Cool Or Scary?

What Was Your First Car?
I am yet to buy one ,i would appreciate generous donations from my fellow bloggers,ofcourse i will prominently display each of the donors :)

Favourite drink:
Buttermilk,tender coconut,Mango juice,Watermelon juice

Finish This Statement, "If I Had The Time I Would .....”
Try to make more difference to people around me

Do You Eat The Stems On Broccoli?
No i dont

If You Could Dye Your Hair Any Color, What Would Be Your Choice?
Hmmmm ,i tried quite a few of them ,but i would go with Black :)

Name All The Different Cities/Towns You Have Lived In.

Favorite Sports To Watch:

One Nice Thing About The Person Who Sent This To You:
She is frank,sweet and does not mind speaking her mind.Frankly i loved her post on Uplift and empower,i have never come across any blog more candid(in my short blog exp) than this one,I am glad people are finally speaking their mind and against the brainless soceity.

What's Under Your Bed?

Lots of things ,depends on what dream i have each night :)

Would You Like To Be Born As Yourself Again?
No – would like to try something different.

Morning Person Or Night Owl?
Morning person definetly

Over Easy Or Sunny Side Up?

Favorite Place To Relax:

Favorite Pie:

Favorite Ice Cream Flavor:
I like chocobar ,so that contains Vanilla and Chocolate

Of All The People You Tagged This To, Who's Most Likely To Respond First?

Well i havent tagged any :),i would love anyone on my list to take the tag,let me see who wants to be tagged ......


Usha said...

Heyy, we seem to have a lot in common.
I used to like chocobar too - haven't had one for so long I forgot. :)
Must watch Race - will do soon.

Good one. Thanks for taking up so promptly and the sweet words about me.


:) you are welcome Usha

Reflections said...

Found out a few things abt u thru this. I've already taken up this TAG:-).


thanks nancy for taking up the tag :)

Butterfly said...

Hey I took up the tag thru Nancy. I had fun doing it. I have been meaning to sit on your page to read your earlier blogs. Actually, everytime I get on the net, it is with the hope that I can find something that will allow me to work out of home.
I will definitely go thru your earlier blogs.

I scribble here said...

i was indirectly tagged by u :)
AND what goes on in ur dreams huh?;)


Bins : Thanks,You are more than welcome to read my earlier blogs :)

I scribble here : Welcome to my blog.

There are lots of things happening in my dreams,you will know when i bump into you in one of those dreams ahhahahahahahh :)